Don Maycock...advising you to and through retirement!


Private Pension Crisis? So what is an unfunded liability? It’s the amount by which the liabilities of the pension plan exceed assets in the plan, at a given date. What are some of the factors that affect this unfunded liability and how does it occur? 1. The company is not profitable enough to keep up the […]


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Book Review: The Number– What is a Safe Withdrawal Rate? Every once in while, a really great book comes out. If you only read one financial book this year, I highly recommend The Number by Lee Eisenburg. In a nutshell, The Number is about formulating your personal retirement strategy not just the monetary nest egg. […]


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Book Review: The Naked Investor A great read I recommend is The Naked Investor, by John Lawrence Reynolds. It’s a must for every investor’s library. This book details real-life stories on the dark side of the investment world where unscrupulous advisors have taken advantage of the investor, for their own personal gain. It’s a tough […]


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Annuities: The Unsung Heroes Annuities are an under-utilized product for those seeking consistent stable income, regardless of stock market conditions. In simple terms, an annuity can be thought of as the opposite of a mortgage for a home. With a mortgage, a financial institution gives you a specific amount with which to purchase a home and in […]


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The Insured Annuity Strategy – Options in a Low Interest Rate Environment.  In a previous article, I introduced the concept of annuities. In this article, I’ll introduce a very intriguing concept, the “insured annuity”. It took me a few times seeing this concept presented to fully understand it, so if at first glance it seems complicated, […]


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