Don Maycock...advising you to and through retirement!

An annuity is a financial product whereby you invest a lump sum of money with an insurance company and in turn they provide a guaranteed income payment for a specific length of time. An example would be a life annuity which pays a guaranteed income payment for life.

Annuities: The Unsung Heroes Annuities are an under-utilized product for those seeking consistent stable income, regardless of stock market conditions. In simple terms, an annuity can be thought of as the opposite of a mortgage for a home. With a mortgage, a financial institution gives you a specific amount with which to purchase a home and in […]


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The Insured Annuity Strategy – Options in a Low Interest Rate Environment.  In a previous article, I introduced the concept of annuities. In this article, I’ll introduce a very intriguing concept, the “insured annuity”. It took me a few times seeing this concept presented to fully understand it, so if at first glance it seems complicated, […]


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The New Kid on the Block…the Variable Annuity! The variable annuity of commonly referred to as a GMWB is on the horizon. In June 2006, I attended the Morningstar Investment Conference, which focused on “Retirement Income Planning”. One well-known speaker, Moshe Milevsky, introduced the concept in retirement planning of not just how to generate retirement […]


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