Don Maycock...advising you to and through retirement!

Determine Your Retirement Number

What’s Your Retirement Number

While extreme market volatility continues and the length of the recession remains uncertain, investors are understandably scared about their investments and their ability to retire comfortably. Whether you invest on your own or use an advisor, my recommendation is that you should review your retirement plan to determine where you stand personally.

One of the best methods to model your retirement plan is using the Otar Retirement Calculator (ORC). It is straightforward to use and answers the following questions.

• Do I have enough money to retire?

• How long will my money last?

• When can I retire?

• How much do I need to save for my retirement?

• Do I need a life annuity?

• What is my optimum asset mix?

It arrives at the answers in a unique way that is different than any other retirement planning program that I have ever used or reviewed. It does not use “forecasting” i.e. expected rates of return or expected inflation as predictions for the future. Instead, the ORC uses “aftcasting” by using actual market history to show the client’s potential outcomes. Jim Otar, the designer of this program recognized this phenomenon many years ago and in 2001 published, “High Expectations & False Dreams: One Hundred Years of Stock Market History Applied to Retirement Planning”.

I urge you to visit his website at You can read numerous articles as well as download a free trial version of his software. He is a very soft-spoken man with a powerful message. Kudos to Jim Otar in developing a revolutionary new method for retirement income planning.

Not sure where to start? Enter your name and email in the box on the right to complete the Goal Planning Checklist. Instantly identify the strengths and weaknesses in your current financial plan.

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