Don Maycock...advising you to and through retirement!

Are You in the Retirement Risk Zone?

Are you in the Retirement Risk Zone? The Retirement Risk Zone is the five to 10 years just before and after your retirement date. It’s the critical time when short-term losses can have negative long-term effects since there’s little time left for investments to recover.

As a CFP for over 20 years, I meet many individuals, families and business owners and what I find most common is that they don’t have a written financial plan. The most common goal that they want is an assessment of their current Retirement Income Plan to determine if it’s on track and if it’s not what needs to be changed. That is the focus of my company, Advantage Wealth Planning.

Common Questions

  • Am I saving enough for retirement?
  • When can I retire?
  • How long will my money last?
  • When to  convert RRSPs to RRIFs and how quickly should  RRIFs be drawn down?
  • Should we buy an annuity to fund retirement?
  • What are my  Canada Pension Plan benefits? When is it best to start CPP?
  • What are my Old Age Security options and when is it best to start?
  • How do I setup a proper investment portfolio for my risk tolerance?
  • Am I invested in the proper products?
  • Will my investments last my lifetime?
  • Are my investments suitable for my risk tolerance?
  • How is my income taxed?

The list is virtually endless!

Financial Planning Service Offered

Advantage Wealth Planning offered two choices of Financial Planning solutions for clients until December 31, 2022. The Fee-for-Service Financial Plan is currently unavailable. 

Advantage Wealth Planning proudly offers a Full-Service Financial Plan. The plan includes all six-steps from goal setting to implementation and monitoring in a written format with recommendations. Once the asset transfer is complete, the initial financial plan is completed at no additional cost. Subsequent financial plan updates, at no additional cost, are held annually or more often when major financial decisions are being considered. The minimum asset level for new clients is $150K. Investment management is by a third-party investment manager (that we have worked with for over 15 years), using pooled-funds, ETFs and individual securities. The investment manager and financial planner compensation are bundled into one transparent fee. Larger accounts are eligible to receive reduced fees and non-registered account fees may also be tax-deductible.




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